Ah yes, Boca and Bubba hit the road again. More or less. "To stay young, the doctor said to exercise and eat the right foods" said BUBBA. "What?" said BOCA, " I thought he said ACCESSORIZE AND BUY NICE SHOES." And so begins Boca and Bubba's next adventure.


After several long car drives, Boca thought it was time for a bit of a different kind of "cruzin". Ah yes time for the high seas. NO NO NO yelped Bubba. "Don't you understand we are in a recession aka depression!!!" That was until one of his good buddies said, "Hey Bubba, this cruise looks pretty darn good. Are ya goin?" And that was all it took. "Well, hell yes. We are in good buddy!" Must be a man thing. And so begins Boca and Bubba's next adventure. It has all the making's of some Bubba and Boca madness...start in LA and end in Shanghai. Look out Charlie Chan- be sure to follow the google calendar below. And yes yes I am behind already.


YEOW!   My aching back!  What the heck?!  Can't get out of a chair or bed.  So a trip to the infirmary I made, for the ship doc to tell me I had a muscle spasm and take these pills after I give you a shot.   I asked the nurse how much for the shot and she said $35.  Not one crazy about needles I said Ok.  Then she gave me the bill-$300!!   $145 for the doctor to ask me a few questions.  $35 for the shot and $12 for the diasomething that is used in the shot.  And $6 to take my blood pressure and the rest for pills.  You told me $35 for the shot?  what where you going to do?  Just stick a plain needle in me?  And six bucks to take my pressure?  Oh no no no no.  Haven't you heard about OBAMA CARE missy!   I am now quarantined to my room.  Bubba said "too much blogging".  Yia Yia Yia. I have never had a back issue and now have an appreciation for those of you who have suffered with a "bad" back.  Ouch!

Flat on my back in the suite poor Charlie Chan got a work out.  I need this, I need that and he could not understand why several bottles of chilled champagne was part of the recovery and healing process.  I then aimed my sights at Bubs and told him to stop breathing near my bed.  Good ol' Bubs tried to stay away as much as possible.  I am not known for being a "good" patient or any kind of patient for that matter.  I can now understand why Rush Limbaugh sent his Maid out to the hood to get him some Oxycontin for his back.    Have you ever had a back problemo?