Ah yes, Boca and Bubba hit the road again. More or less. "To stay young, the doctor said to exercise and eat the right foods" said BUBBA. "What?" said BOCA, " I thought he said ACCESSORIZE AND BUY NICE SHOES." And so begins Boca and Bubba's next adventure.


After several long car drives, Boca thought it was time for a bit of a different kind of "cruzin". Ah yes time for the high seas. NO NO NO yelped Bubba. "Don't you understand we are in a recession aka depression!!!" That was until one of his good buddies said, "Hey Bubba, this cruise looks pretty darn good. Are ya goin?" And that was all it took. "Well, hell yes. We are in good buddy!" Must be a man thing. And so begins Boca and Bubba's next adventure. It has all the making's of some Bubba and Boca madness...start in LA and end in Shanghai. Look out Charlie Chan- be sure to follow the google calendar below. And yes yes I am behind already.


State funeral for Aunty Sylvia
Updated: 10:54, Friday February 18, 2011
Premier, Kristina Keneally, has announced that a State funeral will be held for popular Sydney Aboriginal community stalwart, 'Aunty' Sylvia Scott. It will be held at St Mary's Cathedral, College Street and Cathedral Street, Sydney, on Monday, 21 February, at 3pm.

Mrs Sylvia Scott was born on December 30, 1927, at Erambie Reserve, Cowra and was a respected Indigenous Elder.

The Premier says Mrs Scott was an active and influential member of the Redfern and Waterloo Aboriginal community, founding the Murawina Preschool in Redfern and was a founding member of the Wyanga Aboriginal Community Aged Care Programme.

'Mrs Scott was also well known to many aboriginal communities throughout New South Wales,' she said.

In the early 1970s, Mrs Scott worked with other aboriginal women, to establish the Murrawina pre-school for aboriginal children, and served as its president for 17 years.

A decade later, Mrs Scott established a general skills programs at Petersham TAFE, and worked at the Children's hospital in Camperdown as the Aboriginal health worker.

How I got involved in this funeral svs is beyond me....I went to see this beautiful church, St. Mary's, and the next thing you know I am seated with the family of Aunt Sylvia.  OMG,  I was crying along with the family and hundreds of people who came to honor the life and death of Sylvia Scott.  The two hour service offered me time to reflect on my own life.  What legacy would I leave?  This simple woman was granted a State funeral for her love, kindness and relentless work for the indigenous folk-Aboriginals- of Australia-her people.  What legacy will I leave?  To my children?  My grandchildren?  Family?  Friends? Community?  Causes?  Juxtaposing my life to Aunt Sylvia's and comparing all the good she did added to my tears and sadness while attending this strangers funeral.  Have I made a difference on this earth?

The State Premier and the State Prime Minister (by the way both are woman) of Auntie's State spoke at her funeral.  They spoke lovingly and with great admiration of her commitment and work.  What a wonderful opportunity to reflect on my life and pray for guidance to live a "good" one.  While I may be strong on the Bucket List (or as I call it Pam's Next 100) which does include Contribution but I never looked at the possibility of Legacy.  What will your Legacy be?


Bubba had to drag me kicking and screaming from Patricia"s...."that 4 Seasons will have nothing on this place!"  So off we went via Quantas and 2 HUGE DROPS IN THE SKY!!!  More digging into Bubba's left arm and me crossing myself like a desert Monk.....over and over and over.  I was dismayed about leaving MY new apartment (and you didn't even get to see those pics) I forgot the Boca Bloody Mary FLYING Rule.  Is it windier over here?  Are the 747's worn out??  Sitting on the back of the "bus" didn't help.  What was really weird?  The Aussie's broke out in laughter on both plane air pocket drops!   Geeze....they have some set of....well you know. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah I know Bubs, I'm in Gods hands.  While I'm thinking and the hungover pilots foggy brain.  yow!

Ok so checking into the 4 Seasons wasn't exactly the old Bates Motel.  Or so we thought.  I used some Am Express "points" to buy 3 nites at the Four.  All of our friends stay at the Four.  I remember it from the last trip, we had dinner here but stayed at the InterContinental which I really liked.   Try something new.  So after waiting 20 mins in line to check in the "girl" and I mean GIRL says "room ready but need housekeeping mgr to approve".  I say ok, how long?  She says "15 mins".  Okee dokee.  So Boca being the patron saint of patience glared at the bar girl and said do you have Internet in the lobby?  She replies " oh no in your room only".  The rest of the world has wifi in the lobby. Hmm?  Then Bubba pipes in (kiss of death) "honey,  Relax.  Be patient.  We'll be in our room shortly".  So the 15 mins went by and Boca marches up to the desk looking for THE GIRL.  Oh no she is not here, can I help you?  NO NO NO.  Don't you torture me and make me start all over again Suzie Wong!    Please please Mrs. Collins I am here to help.  So we start over and she makes the same promise.  Back to Bubba on the couch.  And of course the next 15 mins go by-SAME SONG AND DANCE.  I ask for THE manager...of course she is hiding in the back texting.  So back to the couch I go. Bubba says "Boca are you goin to take that!"...and ding the bell rang.  Back to the front desk to  hear IAMSORRYIAMSORRYIAMSORRYIAMSORRY   OH no I say.  Not good enough.  We have sat around this "hell hole" for two hours and I'm NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE.  Visions of Micheal Douglas danced in my head....yeah take this job and shove it!  I WILL NOT BE PAYING FOR INTERNET MY ENTIRE STAY!  AND ANYBODY I LIKE WILL NOT BE PAYING FOR INTERNET THEIR ENTIRE STAY! That's how you say you're sorry.  Get the darn manager out here NOW!  I am hot, hungry and crabby and just got off a two dip flight!  DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME GIRLIE!!

Yes Yes...back through the secret passage where weekend managers hide, she goes to find "Sandra"..."mais oui Mrs. Collins, how can I helllllllllp yu?"  I told her she finally had stones to come out of her cubby and face the CUSTOMER-that would be moi MON AMIS.  So if you can believe this she gave me the same song and dance...only now the floor our room is on has been moved for the 3rd time to a lower floor.  Bubba said "if  keep it up we'll be sleeping in the carpark", My  GLARE FACE OFF WAS OF EPIC PROPORTIONS.  That skinny French biache- oh no, oh hell no.  As I pointed out to her, we arrived at 1 and it is now 3 and it is now OFFICIAL check in time so I wanted to stay in the lobby for the stampede of check ins.  As we have seen many people get checked in since one o'clock tout suite.  "Madame Collins, we have prepared your room, please go see if you like it".  I looked right through her and said "are ya kidding me?  of course it must be opera house water view and good to go-right.  DON'T MAKE ME GO UP THERE AND IT'S NO GOOD AND START OVER.  CAPECHE SIL VOUS PLAITEEEEE!"    And Bubba chimes in "come on honey the room is ready let's go"....

so up we go to our suite.  I storm in...the view of the office buildings and the wall to our next door neighbor's room was stupendous.  I dove for the phone...ARE YOU JOKING ME!!!!

And don't give me any of that I am sorry crap.  Where's a good aussie when ya need one!  So on the move...down to the lobby for the FRENCH FACEOFF.  Bubba begged that I keep my hands to myself....  Well alrighty then....down to the lobby, colorful words were spoken, a promise of a better room, then back up to the new room....upgraded?  Oh I get it, we used Am X points to buy the room for three nights.  This must equate to pond scum at the Sydnyey Four Effen Seasons.  Ok.  so who in the heck is runnin this joint?  may I speak to HER?  No, he, Mr. Simon, is not here, back in the morning, will take message.  So Frenchie found us a new room...

The not so Simple Simon made a wise move after Bubba chatted it up with him.  Apparently he has heard the legend of "we must make Mrs. Collins happy now".  We now can use the Club Floor and he will refund one night's stay and her incessant Internet usage will be at no charge.  Now that's the ticket Mr. Simon.  We call that righting the wrong.  Good job.  Besides his Aunt and Uncle are boarding the Regent (ship)with us and he didn't want me harassing them for the month I suppose.  :)


Bubba desperately looking for a Pub for Boca after that hairy check in.  Good job Bubbs- she calmed down after a couple of Fosters.


Ok you nosy nellies that know our little clothes horse.  You are dying to peek in her closet, well voila.  It's everything you imagined.  Bubba said it looks like a Chan-nel Boooteek and "don't get any ideas".  What'cha think?

Lined up and organized little soldiers.  My pal may be a little OCD.  All those size 2's-here a two there a two everywhere another 2.  You'll find no pizza in her freezer or potato salad in the fridge.  Patricia wrote THE booking on eating clean and jumping around to stay in shape. That being the case, you might ask, how are we friends?  Ah my darling pal likes the grape just like Boca.  Cheers!  Her kindness and big heart makes for a wonderful friendship too.

Cleopatra's Bath had nothing on this......

Ok enough enough...of course there is more so I'll have to leave the rest for the next trip to George and Patrcia's love nest.  I'm booking my room date already!  Pooorgie Georgie....Boca in those Leopard print pj's again.  Oy Vey!

And of course the BIGGEST BLESSING of all are the Grandkids.  They have 6!  George's daughter Shelly brought the beautiful babies over for a visit- now I AM JEALOUS.  TEMA is beyond precious and little baby boy Ameil is adorable.  I begged them for a long visit to Boca.  Of course coordinated children's table in the kitchen and of course Patricia could fit in the chair!

Lunch at the Quantas Australia Grand Prix Circuit  March 2011
The grandstands and barriers are up and they are ready to rumble.  This event started in Mel in 1996 and remains a big sport favorite.  We begged Claude to gun it around the track aka Albert Park Lake.  "Come on Claude!  Ya got no hair!"  yelped Boca.  Bubba suggested that we enter Boca in the RED BULL RACEOFF.  Nuff said.

Also located on Albert Park Lake, this very prestigious and iconic venue was the wedding reception site for George's daughter Shelly.  The uninterrupted view of the city and the oh so hip "minimalist" space makes for a very chic reception site.  They were setting up for another wedding so we nosed around. WOWIE!  I loved that Shelly was married in the Synagogue then had the reception at the site.  At home most of the Boca Jewish young people have the Rabbi  marry them at the reception (country club or hotel) site.  In Christian Orthodoxy (our church) you pretty much have to be married at the alter...no standing on the beach for us.  Our services are long- they want you to remember you are REALLY married.  Right Bubs?

Williamstown, the original seaport for Melbourne, now over the bridge at the top of Hudson Bay.  Another great spot to view the city and eat Gelato.  This quaint little town was a good walkabout for the gang..  During the Gold Rush this Victorian town sprung up, hence quite a few Victorian buildings around.  A city of Pubs and Churches- my kind of town!

A delicious dinner at Matteo's, one of Mel's top restaurants housed in a Victorian building in the bohemian enclave called Brunswick.  The ride over was colorful as Patricia was certain George was lost, would not ask for directions and never does.  Geo quietly manned the wheel and before you know it we pulled right up to Matteo's.  As Bubba thought,  Patricia was doing some world class back seat driving but my man got us here while remaining unshaken, cool and confidant and immune to the barbs!"  Boca thought "men men men- they're all alike".   Well worth the driveabout.  The menu is a modern take on Asia right down to my Bugs.  Bugs?  Balmain Bug Tails, King Prawns and Sea Scallops sauteed in Yakitori sauce with toasted sesame seeds and shredded Asian coleslaw.  Bugs?
Bugs??  One of George's "managing directors" and wife joined us.  Russ and Jenny fit right in to the GROUP.  I found it amazing that George and Russ went on a 3 week Frank Lloyd Wright tour through the states last October.  They work and play together- now that is amazing.  Must be that Oprah - Gayle thing.

Thank you Thank you Thank you Gorgeous George and Patty Cakes!  It was a blast.  Have fun in New Zealand and let me know how you liked the Shotover Boat Experience in Christ Church!!  I bet they will remember ol' Boca.....


Ok what are the states of Australia?  New South Wales and ACT, Queensland, The North Territory, Western Australia, South Australia, Tasmania (remember it is an island state lying 150 miles off the coast of the southern tip of the country) and Victoria where Melbourne is located.  Each region has it's own Governor and capital- with Canberra being the country's capital.  Who's the Prime Minister?  This is a quiz for you Yanks...

Patty's Palace aka GEORGE'S KIBBUTZ IN THE SKY...
George's brilliant architectural ability and design taste are evident everywhere you look....Sandy and I keep getting lost and thought leaving breadcrumbs would help.

George's office- how's that for modern.  And some of his oh so fine and unique art collection.  Constantly changing and evolving.  I asked Patricia if he ever bought anything she didn't like?  "Oh no.  Well, um yes there is a piece....it looks like it's made from scrap metal parts from your factory floor Pam. " Hey one of out a 1000 not a bad hit rate honey.  Can you imagine my Bubba being in charge of the artwork at our hacienda?  Velvet paintings of Elvis,  those dogs playing poker picture,  along with deer pictures would be the extent of his "collection".  And yes he is a member of Duck's Unlimited with all it's glorious artwork.  Never mind the animal heads I share my office with.... Ayia yia.

Chef and helper getting ready for Bubs Birthday dinner later that evening....that ever so wicked Patricia.  She didn't let Georgie Boy know she can actually cook.

While I was reluctant to leave Geo's place in the sky Bubba cajoled me for a walkabout with Claude and Sandy.  So out the door we went...city centre, a 10 min. walk.

A stroll along the Yarra River- why is it red/muddy looking Claude?  Hey Bubba that's the L Hotel we stayed in last visit.  The town continues to boom with tons of modern architecture, most of which is good and some not so much-this one looked like something from Hansel and Gretel on crack!

The Yarra winds for 150 miles from its source in Baw Baw National Park to the coast.  Today it is a symbol of Northsider or Southsider- kinda like Chicago.  Cubs or Socks?  Lots of rowers out there and Claude is going to give it a go in the morning.  Are ye up for it Bubba?  Sure if you can find something to fit my
keester.   Ok enough off that walkabout stuff- let's get back to the digs for a cool respite ( remember it is summertime here now) and rest up for Bubba's Birthday Dinner- you go 64!

"Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and is only by this meeting that a new world is born."   Anais Nin

Per George, our darling Boca needs a nice chilled glass of New Zealand's finest.  Indeed.  We are looking forward to meeting some of their very dear friends.  In the meantime Bubba is hoping that I might have ordered the same grill as George's for his birthday present.  Yeah right Bubs, it looks more like a piece of furniture.  And I am sure the price of a small car.  Hey Bubs, and it looks pretty dang brand new???  Maybe it is a piece of furniture Bubs.  Shut the damn lid already.

I didn't get the memo to wear a navy blue sheath...we are talking Blonde and Blue here.  Me thinks this crowd must eat one lettuce leaf a day.  No fried chicken and Hagen Dax for these babes.  I have a sneaking susspicion they are "into" spinning, pilates and yoga.  Hey I have Yoga Toes!  Does that count?
Now that is one RED chandelier.  Custom of course and feels so velvety.  And how would you know Boca?  Well, I am a touchy feely kind of a gal and couldn't resist giving it a feel.  Bubbs, I want one and I think you can make me one.  Just get a bunch of twigs, glue and get that special velvet spray paint.  We can do a knock off and be the hit of Boca.  That's not plagiarism is it Bub?

Pre dinner banter.  Is the chandelier channeling?

Diana and Bill, where the heck are ya Bill?   Long time friends of George's.  One of the things we loved about Aussie Bill is that he visits Texas 5x a year.  Hee Haw Billie, we'll have to meet up.

 "The better part of one's life consists of his friendships".   Abraham Lincoln

Cathy, another long time friend of George and her significant other, Aaron.  They along with Patricia and Geo just skied Steamboat/US for 3 weeks right before we arrived.  And yes all black diamond skiers of
"A friend may well be reckoned as the masterpiece of Nature".   Ralph Waldo Emerson was sure right about Cathy.

Gerard, long time friend of George's and significant other Joann.  Great fun and oh so interesting.  He is a plastic surgeon by day.  I caught him staring at me with visions of beyond total make over.  Sandy and Claude enjoy the delicious seafood salad. M1
Loved Loved Loved your pals George and as you said 

The menu and food was scrumptious- Hats off to Chef Libby.


Starting as a tent encampment in 1835 this city is thriving as the second largest city in Australia.  Loads of immigrants showed up for that Gold Rush in the 1850's and their footprint is felt today.  Indeed, I can see why it is called Marvelous Melbourne.  Lots of Victorian architecture along with ultra modern recently built, a range of restaurants -mmmmmm, much of this city revolves around spectator sports.  The main street in city centre, and best shopping by the way is Collins Street.  I tried to convince Bubba we would get the family discount at Channel, Hermes and for sure Louis Vuitton and sadly he wasn't buying it.  Our absolute reason for visiting (we had been a few years back) was to see our darling Patricia and her beloved Aussie hubby Georgie Porgie as I affectionately call him.  This match made in heaven, well at least on the 4oth floor is over the top...in oh so many ways.  I remember in 2007 marching around the shell of their current condo and watching the New Years eve fireworks and looking down to see them!  You better believe I was excited to see the final product.  Georgie married the perfect match- he does a hell of a job making money and our darling Patricia does a brilliant job of spending.  Now how perfect is that?

We get off at THEIR floor, the 40th,  and we are received by Aboriginal artwork and buttery chocolate leather walls....our Georgie Boy is the "man" in the residential building gig so me thinks he wanted to do his digs up just right.  The lighting is stupendous-so ultra modern and smart.  I walk by and slowly stuff lights up which Boca finds essential in looking good these days.  No shadows cast on the crows feet or double chin- way to go Geo!

Yes this is THEIR floor and humble hacienda.  I wonder if the view is as good as I remembered it from...
Yup.  We get to see mountains, all the sporting facilities, the Shrine of Remembrance, the Gardens , the Grand Prix Track and of course all of the city.

There's that Rod Laver Tennis Stadium.  Love!  George figured he'd save some dough if Patricia watched the matches from up here.  And you ask what does George "do"?  He is a builder of homes.  His strong architectural skills and talents are part of his winning formula for that successful biz (Metricon) and needless to say the same applied to his own "home" in the sky.  More about that tomorrow.

Kitchen view to the Shrine of Remembrance.  How would you like to have your coffee and glance out the window to that!

View from my bedroom, well actually my own apartment washer and dryer included.  Bubba could not figure out how to turn on the ultra modern microwave or the stove top...just kicking the tires mam.   But he did figure out the German washer and dryer.  Bubba Bubba Bubba ya just got here how can you have so many dirty gym shorts????

The bonus was having Patsy's bro Claude and his ever so English wife Sandy-in from Wimbledon, there with us.  Just one big happy family.  So just as we do in Boca, out to dinner we went....where do you park the car Georgie?  Ah, Pam, we'll find it.

Hey George, which one?  Hey Bubba, all of them.  Ay Carumba!
So Boca Babes, Ft. Lauderdale Fillies and the Platinum  Girls of Miami, not to worry.  Our Patsy has wheels.

Bubba is that a motor in his trunk?  and another on the way?  A boy and his toys.  Must be an international theme.  You go Geo!  But what I really really loved was the storage room-it stretches the length of the 8 car parking space and then some  ....and to think we have to use Uncle Bob's Storage for my Christmas ornaments and junk.  Some girls have all the luck!

And a fine dinner with Patricia's brother Cleaver Claude and his beautiful wife Savvy Sandy. Sandy is the consummate house guest- she actually tidies up after herself (and for some of us others as well).  Forgive me Sandy- they don't teach us that in Boca.....

As they say the third times a charm!  Georgie, I will let the girls know you are taking care of our Patty just fine-GOOD JOB !