Ah yes, Boca and Bubba hit the road again. More or less. "To stay young, the doctor said to exercise and eat the right foods" said BUBBA. "What?" said BOCA, " I thought he said ACCESSORIZE AND BUY NICE SHOES." And so begins Boca and Bubba's next adventure.


After several long car drives, Boca thought it was time for a bit of a different kind of "cruzin". Ah yes time for the high seas. NO NO NO yelped Bubba. "Don't you understand we are in a recession aka depression!!!" That was until one of his good buddies said, "Hey Bubba, this cruise looks pretty darn good. Are ya goin?" And that was all it took. "Well, hell yes. We are in good buddy!" Must be a man thing. And so begins Boca and Bubba's next adventure. It has all the making's of some Bubba and Boca madness...start in LA and end in Shanghai. Look out Charlie Chan- be sure to follow the google calendar below. And yes yes I am behind already.


Ok you nosy nellies that know our little clothes horse.  You are dying to peek in her closet, well voila.  It's everything you imagined.  Bubba said it looks like a Chan-nel Boooteek and "don't get any ideas".  What'cha think?

Lined up and organized little soldiers.  My pal may be a little OCD.  All those size 2's-here a two there a two everywhere another 2.  You'll find no pizza in her freezer or potato salad in the fridge.  Patricia wrote THE booking on eating clean and jumping around to stay in shape. That being the case, you might ask, how are we friends?  Ah my darling pal likes the grape just like Boca.  Cheers!  Her kindness and big heart makes for a wonderful friendship too.

Cleopatra's Bath had nothing on this......

Ok enough enough...of course there is more so I'll have to leave the rest for the next trip to George and Patrcia's love nest.  I'm booking my room date already!  Pooorgie Georgie....Boca in those Leopard print pj's again.  Oy Vey!

And of course the BIGGEST BLESSING of all are the Grandkids.  They have 6!  George's daughter Shelly brought the beautiful babies over for a visit- now I AM JEALOUS.  TEMA is beyond precious and little baby boy Ameil is adorable.  I begged them for a long visit to Boca.  Of course coordinated children's table in the kitchen and of course Patricia could fit in the chair!

Lunch at the Quantas Australia Grand Prix Circuit  March 2011
The grandstands and barriers are up and they are ready to rumble.  This event started in Mel in 1996 and remains a big sport favorite.  We begged Claude to gun it around the track aka Albert Park Lake.  "Come on Claude!  Ya got no hair!"  yelped Boca.  Bubba suggested that we enter Boca in the RED BULL RACEOFF.  Nuff said.

Also located on Albert Park Lake, this very prestigious and iconic venue was the wedding reception site for George's daughter Shelly.  The uninterrupted view of the city and the oh so hip "minimalist" space makes for a very chic reception site.  They were setting up for another wedding so we nosed around. WOWIE!  I loved that Shelly was married in the Synagogue then had the reception at the site.  At home most of the Boca Jewish young people have the Rabbi  marry them at the reception (country club or hotel) site.  In Christian Orthodoxy (our church) you pretty much have to be married at the alter...no standing on the beach for us.  Our services are long- they want you to remember you are REALLY married.  Right Bubs?

Williamstown, the original seaport for Melbourne, now over the bridge at the top of Hudson Bay.  Another great spot to view the city and eat Gelato.  This quaint little town was a good walkabout for the gang..  During the Gold Rush this Victorian town sprung up, hence quite a few Victorian buildings around.  A city of Pubs and Churches- my kind of town!

A delicious dinner at Matteo's, one of Mel's top restaurants housed in a Victorian building in the bohemian enclave called Brunswick.  The ride over was colorful as Patricia was certain George was lost, would not ask for directions and never does.  Geo quietly manned the wheel and before you know it we pulled right up to Matteo's.  As Bubba thought,  Patricia was doing some world class back seat driving but my man got us here while remaining unshaken, cool and confidant and immune to the barbs!"  Boca thought "men men men- they're all alike".   Well worth the driveabout.  The menu is a modern take on Asia right down to my Bugs.  Bugs?  Balmain Bug Tails, King Prawns and Sea Scallops sauteed in Yakitori sauce with toasted sesame seeds and shredded Asian coleslaw.  Bugs?
Bugs??  One of George's "managing directors" and wife joined us.  Russ and Jenny fit right in to the GROUP.  I found it amazing that George and Russ went on a 3 week Frank Lloyd Wright tour through the states last October.  They work and play together- now that is amazing.  Must be that Oprah - Gayle thing.

Thank you Thank you Thank you Gorgeous George and Patty Cakes!  It was a blast.  Have fun in New Zealand and let me know how you liked the Shotover Boat Experience in Christ Church!!  I bet they will remember ol' Boca.....