Ah yes, Boca and Bubba hit the road again. More or less. "To stay young, the doctor said to exercise and eat the right foods" said BUBBA. "What?" said BOCA, " I thought he said ACCESSORIZE AND BUY NICE SHOES." And so begins Boca and Bubba's next adventure.


After several long car drives, Boca thought it was time for a bit of a different kind of "cruzin". Ah yes time for the high seas. NO NO NO yelped Bubba. "Don't you understand we are in a recession aka depression!!!" That was until one of his good buddies said, "Hey Bubba, this cruise looks pretty darn good. Are ya goin?" And that was all it took. "Well, hell yes. We are in good buddy!" Must be a man thing. And so begins Boca and Bubba's next adventure. It has all the making's of some Bubba and Boca madness...start in LA and end in Shanghai. Look out Charlie Chan- be sure to follow the google calendar below. And yes yes I am behind already.


Bubba had to drag me kicking and screaming from Patricia"s...."that 4 Seasons will have nothing on this place!"  So off we went via Quantas and 2 HUGE DROPS IN THE SKY!!!  More digging into Bubba's left arm and me crossing myself like a desert Monk.....over and over and over.  I was dismayed about leaving MY new apartment (and you didn't even get to see those pics) I forgot the Boca Bloody Mary FLYING Rule.  Is it windier over here?  Are the 747's worn out??  Sitting on the back of the "bus" didn't help.  What was really weird?  The Aussie's broke out in laughter on both plane air pocket drops!   Geeze....they have some set of....well you know. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah I know Bubs, I'm in Gods hands.  While I'm thinking and the hungover pilots foggy brain.  yow!

Ok so checking into the 4 Seasons wasn't exactly the old Bates Motel.  Or so we thought.  I used some Am Express "points" to buy 3 nites at the Four.  All of our friends stay at the Four.  I remember it from the last trip, we had dinner here but stayed at the InterContinental which I really liked.   Try something new.  So after waiting 20 mins in line to check in the "girl" and I mean GIRL says "room ready but need housekeeping mgr to approve".  I say ok, how long?  She says "15 mins".  Okee dokee.  So Boca being the patron saint of patience glared at the bar girl and said do you have Internet in the lobby?  She replies " oh no in your room only".  The rest of the world has wifi in the lobby. Hmm?  Then Bubba pipes in (kiss of death) "honey,  Relax.  Be patient.  We'll be in our room shortly".  So the 15 mins went by and Boca marches up to the desk looking for THE GIRL.  Oh no she is not here, can I help you?  NO NO NO.  Don't you torture me and make me start all over again Suzie Wong!    Please please Mrs. Collins I am here to help.  So we start over and she makes the same promise.  Back to Bubba on the couch.  And of course the next 15 mins go by-SAME SONG AND DANCE.  I ask for THE manager...of course she is hiding in the back texting.  So back to the couch I go. Bubba says "Boca are you goin to take that!"...and ding the bell rang.  Back to the front desk to  hear IAMSORRYIAMSORRYIAMSORRYIAMSORRY   OH no I say.  Not good enough.  We have sat around this "hell hole" for two hours and I'm NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE.  Visions of Micheal Douglas danced in my head....yeah take this job and shove it!  I WILL NOT BE PAYING FOR INTERNET MY ENTIRE STAY!  AND ANYBODY I LIKE WILL NOT BE PAYING FOR INTERNET THEIR ENTIRE STAY! That's how you say you're sorry.  Get the darn manager out here NOW!  I am hot, hungry and crabby and just got off a two dip flight!  DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME GIRLIE!!

Yes Yes...back through the secret passage where weekend managers hide, she goes to find "Sandra"..."mais oui Mrs. Collins, how can I helllllllllp yu?"  I told her she finally had stones to come out of her cubby and face the CUSTOMER-that would be moi MON AMIS.  So if you can believe this she gave me the same song and dance...only now the floor our room is on has been moved for the 3rd time to a lower floor.  Bubba said "if  keep it up we'll be sleeping in the carpark", My  GLARE FACE OFF WAS OF EPIC PROPORTIONS.  That skinny French biache- oh no, oh hell no.  As I pointed out to her, we arrived at 1 and it is now 3 and it is now OFFICIAL check in time so I wanted to stay in the lobby for the stampede of check ins.  As we have seen many people get checked in since one o'clock tout suite.  "Madame Collins, we have prepared your room, please go see if you like it".  I looked right through her and said "are ya kidding me?  of course it must be opera house water view and good to go-right.  DON'T MAKE ME GO UP THERE AND IT'S NO GOOD AND START OVER.  CAPECHE SIL VOUS PLAITEEEEE!"    And Bubba chimes in "come on honey the room is ready let's go"....

so up we go to our suite.  I storm in...the view of the office buildings and the wall to our next door neighbor's room was stupendous.  I dove for the phone...ARE YOU JOKING ME!!!!

And don't give me any of that I am sorry crap.  Where's a good aussie when ya need one!  So on the move...down to the lobby for the FRENCH FACEOFF.  Bubba begged that I keep my hands to myself....  Well alrighty then....down to the lobby, colorful words were spoken, a promise of a better room, then back up to the new room....upgraded?  Oh I get it, we used Am X points to buy the room for three nights.  This must equate to pond scum at the Sydnyey Four Effen Seasons.  Ok.  so who in the heck is runnin this joint?  may I speak to HER?  No, he, Mr. Simon, is not here, back in the morning, will take message.  So Frenchie found us a new room...

The not so Simple Simon made a wise move after Bubba chatted it up with him.  Apparently he has heard the legend of "we must make Mrs. Collins happy now".  We now can use the Club Floor and he will refund one night's stay and her incessant Internet usage will be at no charge.  Now that's the ticket Mr. Simon.  We call that righting the wrong.  Good job.  Besides his Aunt and Uncle are boarding the Regent (ship)with us and he didn't want me harassing them for the month I suppose.  :)


Bubba desperately looking for a Pub for Boca after that hairy check in.  Good job Bubbs- she calmed down after a couple of Fosters.