Ah yes, Boca and Bubba hit the road again. More or less. "To stay young, the doctor said to exercise and eat the right foods" said BUBBA. "What?" said BOCA, " I thought he said ACCESSORIZE AND BUY NICE SHOES." And so begins Boca and Bubba's next adventure.


After several long car drives, Boca thought it was time for a bit of a different kind of "cruzin". Ah yes time for the high seas. NO NO NO yelped Bubba. "Don't you understand we are in a recession aka depression!!!" That was until one of his good buddies said, "Hey Bubba, this cruise looks pretty darn good. Are ya goin?" And that was all it took. "Well, hell yes. We are in good buddy!" Must be a man thing. And so begins Boca and Bubba's next adventure. It has all the making's of some Bubba and Boca madness...start in LA and end in Shanghai. Look out Charlie Chan- be sure to follow the google calendar below. And yes yes I am behind already.


No wonder Boca liked it a lot.  The money from the billions of products bearing the "Made In Taiwan" is seen all over the city.  The modern affluence is abundantly evident.  Boca really really liked the very tidy streets....reminded her of how clean Germany used to be!
In this city of 2.5 million folks I saw only one graffiti.  The shrubs, landscaping and general neatness of this bustling place (mind you many of the main streets are under heavy construction expanding the subway system) was a pleasure to tour.  Make no doubt their rich Chinese cultural past is equally evident and celebrated as well.

THE NATIONAL PALACE MUSEUM  was established by the National Republic of China in Bejing's Forbidden City in 1925 by then Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.  Rather than to have all their ancient Chinese artworks fall into the hands of the Japanese they moved the items all over the country and eventually when Chiang broke away from mainland China moved items here, to Taiwan.  Built in 1965 housing 677,681 items: bronzes, ceramics, curios, jades, paintings, calligraphy and more.  In spite of being very crowded with Taiwanese visitors  a must to see.

Pleep  very much enjoyed the calligraphy and felt compelled to purchase a calligraphy brush and book to be able to do this Chinese style of writing.  He also helped the SHHHHHHH Lady ( yes the lady with the paddle reminding all to shhhh) manning the shhhh podium.  Pleep was quite effective in this role as he told the Shhh lady he has had much experience with being SHHHH'D.


After much Shhhhing it was time to eat- geeze it's been 3 hours since our last meal....come on, WE ARE BOAT PEOPLE and perpetually hungry.  So over to the GRAND HOTEL we head for chow.  Originally built in 1952 the current structure was completed in 1973 and still the worlds tallest classical Chinese building-285ft tall- Chinese Palace Style.  This extravagant hotel,  was quite the lunch stop.  After a little posturing and posing in the GRAND lobby Pleep was raring to go. Go?  He had heard a rumor that there were secret passages and he was hell bent to find them.  And pass up lunch?  Gone!

 So we mosey over to the most exquisitely laid out Asian Buffet.  A feast for the eyes as well as my pie hole.  Huge and varied.  From traditional Chinese to American style Chinese.  Plenty of Sushi too.  Boca should have worked for Kraft Foods as a taste tester.  She pretty much will try any and all.  The raw egg sitting in water being the least favorite of the tastings didn't slow her down.   Boca thought that  sprinting back and forth to the various food stations qualified as exercise for the day.

 Of course Bubba's favorite was the desert trough....I think he started at that station.  So many choices and so little time.  Bubba thought that the serving sizes were so small that the process warranted loading up on several.  You go Bubba!  And naturally always taking a little extra for the Pleepmeister.  Knowing he would be hungry after the hunt for the secret passages.  Where in the heck is that darn monkey????  Oh there he is!   Boca found him sneaking into the White Party.  The what?  Following all the very cute young girls all dolled up heading to a party.  Boca had to promise Security that he would be no further bother, that the bus was waiting for him once again.

Dedicated to the war dead of the Republic of China-built in 1969.  Although the shrine is located in Taiwan, most of the soldiers honored (390,000) served in China and were born in the Chinese provinces.  We enjoyed watching the very stellar changing of the Guard.  Very precise and sharply adorned.  Bubba puts them in the top 5 of honor guards he has seen.  Well done!

Pleep so begged for cleats on his boots and a bayonet.  He very much loved the marching and cleat tapping and best of all bayonet twirling.  After talking his way into the Guard Room, Pleep convinced one of the young guards that having their picture taken with the Pleepmeister would be a big hit on their Facebook page.  Again, making the bus wait for that pesky monkey1


Built in 1980 in honor of Chaing Kai-shek the former President of China and the hero of Taiwan.  Generalissimo Chaing took 2 million folks from China and brought them to this island, then called Formosa to start a new gig.  Oddly IN 2008 President Chen Shui-bian changed the name to  THE NATIONAL TAIWAN DEMOCRACY MEMORIAL HALL  and in 2009  the new President, Ma Ying-jaou changed it back to Chaing Kai-Shek Memorial. Pleep loved the controversy and  posing for the visitors on Chaings lap .....

Bubba told him to get the hell off of Chaing's lap as he was sure it was not allowed....
Sure enough here come the guard. The clicking of the cleats on the marble scared the little monkey and he just about flew off Chiangs knee!

And of course  a stop off at the gift shop a must.  The Taiwanese shop girls fell in love with Pleep and convinced him a Bamboo cup would serve as a fine bath tub and suggested he needed one sooner than later.
TAIPEI 101,formerly known as the World Financial Center.  This landmark skyscraper was the tallest building in the world from 2004-2010.  Designed to withstand typhoons and earthquakes and I so don't want to experience that test!  The 101 is now number 2- number 1 is in Dubai.    101 floors above ground and 5 below.  Very much resembling a Pagoda.  Next time must see the observatory on the 89th floor.  No time this trip and quite cloudy today.  Taipei was a real treat to tour- modern blended with Chinese heritage made for a great day!

Final stop LUNSHAN Temple....more about that tomorrow!  Doing this blog on a boat with intermittent service is beyond taxing....type type, load pictures then disappear!  GRRRRRRR.  Yes the neighbors have complained about all of the cusses permeating our cabin door!