Ah yes, Boca and Bubba hit the road again. More or less. "To stay young, the doctor said to exercise and eat the right foods" said BUBBA. "What?" said BOCA, " I thought he said ACCESSORIZE AND BUY NICE SHOES." And so begins Boca and Bubba's next adventure.


After several long car drives, Boca thought it was time for a bit of a different kind of "cruzin". Ah yes time for the high seas. NO NO NO yelped Bubba. "Don't you understand we are in a recession aka depression!!!" That was until one of his good buddies said, "Hey Bubba, this cruise looks pretty darn good. Are ya goin?" And that was all it took. "Well, hell yes. We are in good buddy!" Must be a man thing. And so begins Boca and Bubba's next adventure. It has all the making's of some Bubba and Boca madness...start in LA and end in Shanghai. Look out Charlie Chan- be sure to follow the google calendar below. And yes yes I am behind already.


Sailing into Seoul we crossed under the magnificent Incheon Bridge.  This 13.8 mile cable constructed in 2009 is an example of this terrifically contemporary city.  By constructing this $1.5 billion bridge (private funds) it reduced travel time to the airport by 1  hour.  Incheon is the port we tied up at....then up bright and early for a tour of the DMZ.

Bubs & Larry check out the Freedom Bridge
Pleep loved the train-ho choo!
 The DMZ was created to divide the county-so each side agreed to move back from the line 2200 yards, creating a 2.5 mile buffer zone between North and South Korea.  The hostility is still evident today with large numbers of troops stationed along both sides of the line- each guarding from aggression from the other. 


Since Nov. 1974 the South has discovered 4 tunnels crossing the DMZ which have been dug by the North Koreans.  Upon discovery, the North Koreans said they were mining for coal.  Pleep thought that was a good story and as long as he got to wear a Miner's Hat he was sticking with it!  And "tram" down we did....and down and down. No place for the claustrophobic. We toured the 3rd tunnel-1770 yds long and 490 ft deep which was discovered when a North Korean Defector squealed like a pig.    You get to do the Groucho Marx walk to see the actual tunnel-damp, dripping and very low ceiling.  Yes the blue metal hard hats made beautiful music as the men kept bumping their heads.  Yeow!

Then over to the "tourist" spot to glare at those North Koreans.  Ok people, you can look through the "spy glasses" but no picture taking from that spot.  Huh?  You must step behind the yellow line 10 feet from the scopes) and take pictures from there.  Huh?  Punishable by wiping out your pictures a la delete-Korean.  Pudge and Boca tried to figure out the exact millimeter that we could step on to take that award winning photo of those Commie Bastards.  I told Pudge, just get on my shoulders and we'll win this little soon to be dust up.  Pleep tried to pose oh so coyly on the wall - the guard shack behind him- but no that very smart Korean soldier was not to be duped by Pleeps move. Monkey sir, I need to erase your pictures please. So to the line he went....for a little sunning.

South Korea has invested a lot of money over recent years and relations were moving in the "right" direction.  Then our good buddy Kim Jong il started acting up with all that nuclear nonsense.  Oh no said the South Koreans- so in 2007 they elected "The Bulldozer"- the former Mayor of Seoul and responsible for the absolute transformation of this very modern city.  President Lee learned much of his skill while an executive at Hundayai (imagine that) and his election gave a loud message to the north from this conservative candidate and now President.  What pushed him over the edge was the North Korean submarine that  torpedoed a South Korean warship in International waters.  President Lee went to the UN
for sanctions.  Then buddy Kim opened artillery and killed 4 South Koreans on an island- GAME ON!  Hence, Hillary getting her kisser in the conversation as well.  Oddly, in the meantime the South Koreans cozied up to their old enemy Japan .  So with Junior (Kim-Jong il II) waiting in the wings for his whacked out old man to either die or step down not much hope for reuny at this time.  Besides this reunification would be very different than Germany's....a much greater cost $$$$$$.  Estimating it would eat up 50% of all South Korea's Tax Revenues for  many years due to the huge wealth disparity, education disparity and the projected flood of North Koreans hopping that fence for true freedom.  The BLUE HOUSE (the South Korean White House-yes with a Blue Roof) over in Seoul has reason to be Blue.

The Capitol and largest city of South Korea.  As a matter of fact 1/2 of the 50 million person lives in the greater Seoul area. And what a city!  Today Seoul is considered to be a leading Global City and was named a city World Design Capitol for 2010.  The current President of South Korea, Mr. Lee (educated at Brandeis, senior executive of Hundayai-KIA) was the former Mayor of Seoul and credited with its magnificent transformation.  Seoul is in the top 10 financial centers of the world and boy does it show.  Think Samsung, LG, Hyundai and more-also named 6th most economically powerful city/2008 by Forbes.

Lot's of oohing and ahing during our tour around the city....modern architecture, infrastructure, clean clean clean (no graffiti here), orderly people (very homogeneous with very few westerns in site), new hospitals, big and bold universities....  Seoul has a highly technologically advanced infrastructure.  It's Digital Media City is the worlds first complex for IT and Multi Media Applications.   Remember the Olympics in 1988, 2002 FIFA World Cup and 2010 G-20 Summit.  This is one happening place to see!

Part of the city is surrounded by mountains.

Very sleek modern University.

And still a touch of their tradition...this area dates back to 18 BC .  There are several World Heritage sites in the Seoul area.  Love the Yin and Yang of this new skyscraper...

A shopping trip to the "Antique" Street- very cool and lots of fun things to eat, buy and check out...
Liquid courage?
Furry candy made for you!
 Lots of smells.

PLEEP even had his fortune read and his name in calligraphy-all in a booth!
 His fortune read  COME BACK PLEEP!