Ah yes, Boca and Bubba hit the road again. More or less. "To stay young, the doctor said to exercise and eat the right foods" said BUBBA. "What?" said BOCA, " I thought he said ACCESSORIZE AND BUY NICE SHOES." And so begins Boca and Bubba's next adventure.


After several long car drives, Boca thought it was time for a bit of a different kind of "cruzin". Ah yes time for the high seas. NO NO NO yelped Bubba. "Don't you understand we are in a recession aka depression!!!" That was until one of his good buddies said, "Hey Bubba, this cruise looks pretty darn good. Are ya goin?" And that was all it took. "Well, hell yes. We are in good buddy!" Must be a man thing. And so begins Boca and Bubba's next adventure. It has all the making's of some Bubba and Boca madness...start in LA and end in Shanghai. Look out Charlie Chan- be sure to follow the google calendar below. And yes yes I am behind already.


Figured it out...PRC-People's Republic of China AND Pamela Rae Collins- PRC!  So the pinks must think ol'Boca is in the mix somehow????  Or is Boca's Blog part of the media blackout- NO FACEBOOK, NO TWITTER AND NO BLOGGING allowed over here.  Must dig into this....they have access to Internet but no social networks.  And of course they have been known to block and black out the net.  Gotta love that new version of "freedom".  Most everybody shopping and texting anyway-yeah that should keep'em down on the farm.  While most of city is shiny and new, the service has a long way to go.  How silly of me to think the waitress in The Regent Hotel (95% westerners) would understand enough English to take an order.  The good news is, the service was so poor at dinner ( good food, served cold -must be more of that Yin and Yang thing) Boca's "remarks" to the manager prompted a comped food bill (charged for the beers only).  I guess that is one way to eat on the cheap.  Those bug and snakes at the market are looking better- hot and obvious.

Oscar was gracious enough to make sure the arrangements for sending 2 of our suitcases on on to Shanghai went smoothly.  Idea here was we won't have to schlep and worth the $110 to do it via train....or at least it sounded like a good idea at the time.  Hope we get to see some of our underwear again.  Poor Bubba painstakingly packed the two jumbo cases so all would fit etc.  So when the two Chinese guys showed up at the hotel room to weigh the bags they also asked to see all that was inside the cases...after Bubs painstakingly packed both cases perfectly to jam it all in there.  So out came the dirty clothes and Pleep's underwear.   No aerosols.  No aerosols on the train? Ok and out comes Bubba's swiss army knife.  They were perplexed why Bubba had so many flashlights-was he importing or exporting?  No Mr. Wu and Mr. Shu, just one of Bubba's many fetishes.  Cash only please.  Now I am really wondering if we will ever see those undies again.  

PRC's Perspective on PRC
With nearly 4000 years of continuous history, China is one of the worlds oldest civilizations.  Prior to the 19th Century, it posed one of the most advanced societies int the world but having missed the Industrial Revolution- down the rabbit hole they went.  Next thing you know, an Imperial overthrow- civil war and by 1949 the new China emerges....THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA-good ol' Mao Zedong led the socialist state as more or less a "democratic" dictator.  Remember ol' Chiang Kai-shek took his peeps and started it up in Taiwan (the old Formosa).  But that was then and this is now...never mind those pesky human rights issues.  This Beijing (remember when we used to call it Peking) is one happening place.  Expanding in concentric rings from the Forbidden City, the grid like layout of modern-day Beijing still echoes its Ming Dynasty blueprint-huge avenues, vaulting flyovers, towering skyscrapers, shopping malls on steroids and the vast expanse of Tian'an Men Square, where we started our tour today.

 Frozen, frozen, frozen....in the bone chilling wind.  That biting wind puts my home town's nick name the Windy City a joke.  So there I was out there in my Ralph Lauren very thin coat MADE IN CHINA, freezing my tata's and more.  So Bubba threw care to the wind (bad pun I know) and bought me nothing but the best a hat and some gloves.  Score!  And a fine pair of NORTH FACE gloves to go with it...ha ha.  Funny, the Chinese tourists just eat up these tschokes!  I guess we do the same at Disney World.

So first stop Chairman Mao's body...Mao's Mausoleum-just like the one's we've seen- Lenin and Ho Chi Minh.  Flanked by revolutionary statues and her Commie Cap Boca was all set to see the embalmed body of Mao.  His casket is raised from the refrig in the basement 5 days a week for viewing.  You bet as we get in the line with all the Chinese, with teeth chattering, wind through the line...no camera's, no nothing and for God sake leave your Bic at the door.  Well, there we were all the way to the steps, getting ready for a creeped out moment, and the security buzzer went off.  Swooping down on old Boca the guards started yelling who know's what.  What!  What!  What is going on???  Sure enough Pleep tried to sneak a tiny little camera (that worthless SONY Cybershot) in.  Oh say it isn't so!  So kicked out like the NON COMMIES we were...it was like the death march...especially with my very special hat.  Bubba growled, that's it.  Now let's go find our tour guide "WHO I GAVE MY CAMERA TO, TO HOLD PER THE INSTRUCTIONS".

Bubba explains to Oscar you'll have your hands full with Mrs. Collins and the Pleep .  And Oscar, the last time I was in the Great Hall of the People was 1975 with President Ford and Secretary of State Kissinger and of course Chairman Mao.  Seeing him once was enough anyway.

 So no Chairman Mao for us today....Bubba said "hell, we've got our our MAOBAMA, why do we need to see a dead one?  As my President told his aides, it would be so much easier to be the President of China (per New York Times).  All those darn distractions in the world are getting in the way of his transformational agenda for us the US.  Like Mao, he wants to make his nation into a more perfect place- AS HE SEES IT.  Yeah, MAOBAMA, keep those apology tours going, we're here having fun in the NEW AND IMPROVED CHINA.  And guess what?  It's all about capitalism and business baby.  Do take a lesson from the Chinese Barack.

Tian'an Men Square- the Square of the Gate of Heavenly Peace- is a vast open concrete expanse at the heart of modern Beijing.  Bordered by 1950's Communist style buildings- yep there's the China National Museum.  Bubs, does it look just like you remembered from 1975?  And of course we all remember the student protests of 1989...yew!   My hat was quite the hit  with the locals, by the way.  Is that some of the National Sovereignty we keep hearing about?


And this is the spot, the Ming Dynasty/Forbidden City gate where Mao proclaimed the founding of the Peoples Republic on Oct 1, 1949, where his portrait still hangs. Hey what happened to that Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution?  By By Forbidden City hello the Palace Museum- completed in 1420 and renovated ever since.  24 Emperors ruled out of this hacienda for over 500 years.  This was the place for the royals and dignitaries to hang out until the abdication in 1912, closed the reopened to the public in 1949.  Pleep had a ball touring the palace....9,9991/2 rooms!

Ok where's that Hall of Supreme Harmony??  Marble carriage-ways- the central ramp carved with dragons chasing pearls among clouds was reserved for the Emperor....and now Pleep!

Despite the very chilly morning, lots of Chinese tourists....less than 1% of the visitors were Western.  Who knew!  It was fun watching them be tourists....all very organized in tight groups.  Their personal space boundary is very different than ours...
The Chines Dragons are on all of the roofs- a curious hybrid of many animal parts- snakes body, deer horns, bulls ears, hawk's claws and fish scales.  Endowed with magical characteristics, it can fly, swim, change into other animals, bringing rainfall and warding off evil spirits.  The Chinese Dragon is a beneficent beast offering protection and good luck.  Oh I get it...now I understand why they are printed on my pj's.  
The Imperial Gardens, north of the 3 inner palaces and the Gate of Earthly Tranquility.  A place Bubba begged Boca to hang out in for awhile.  Hope does spring eternal for old Bubs.  Boca then suggested Bubba check out the Hall of Imperial Peace- during the Qing dynasty they used this place for sacrifices on the seventh day of the the seventh lunar month-China's equivalent of Valentines Day.  What the heck did they sacrifice???
This city of 15 plus million, in a country of 1.3 Billion is a microcosm of modern China....and all it's contradictions.  Hey, they are on a learning curve, cut some slack....a mix of affluent shoppers (is this the true national sport?), trendy youths, beggars and plain clothes police men as well as those many in uniform and oh so many colors!  Lots of new cars but bicycle lanes planned right on the new streets with a rail to keep all safe.  

Time for lunch - a stop off at the old Commie banquet hall and ALWAYS attached is a government owned store upstairs or downstairs, depending.  A must see (no pressure to buy-ha ha) if you want to eat.  After the young lady fished around to demonstrate where pearls come from (not Cartier??) the young lady found one for Bubba.  It was a sign I told Bubba.  I must buy something.  But honey, don't you have a bunch of pearls?  Well, duh, Bubba- IT'S A SIGN!

OH YES, that Qing Dynasty group knew how to put together a summer cottage.  Like most of the Emperor Dynasty stuff, rebuilt again and again.  The grounds cover 716 acres with Kunming Lake as the Central view.  Never mind the French and English troops destroyed much of it in 1862 and again in 1902.

Pleep loved the Long Corridor and hanging from beam to beam- this 2,388 ft walkway is decorated with over 14,000 paintings.  Bubba gave him a full 30 mins to go at it.  The only way Bubbs got Pleep down was the promise of an ice cream cone and maybe a bug or two.

Boca's favorite was the Hall of Benevolence ad Longevity, which housed the through were Cixi sat...oh yes the Dragon Lady of all Dragon Ladies.  Her meals were  reported to have had 186 courses.  Cixi is remembered as one of China's most powerful woman- having borne the Xianfeng emperor's son as an imperial concubine.  Cixi later seized power as regent to both the Tongzhi and Guangxu emperors (her son and nephew respectively).  Her alliance with the Boxer rebellion paved the way for the fall of the Qing Dynasty.

Bubba kept looking for the Garden of Harmonious Pleasures.  Yeah, keep that dream alive Bubbs.  Remember who you are married to, Mr. Emperor Wannabe!

And all kinds of "police types" throughout the city in different colored uniforms.  All of them with NO GUNS?  And of course they all look so young...like many of the folks around here.  Guarding those temples a tough tour of duty...they appeared to be more interested in watching the young gals dressed oh so western style.....lots of high heels, tights and shorts.

And I thought those crazy Russians had the best of Summer Palaces....old Cixi wrote the book.  Water, mountains, bridges, temples, walkway and loads of ceremonial halls made summer vacation fun.  Bubba loved the Chinese lions that guard this and that-this male is portrayed with the ball under his paw-oh so Bubba.