Ah yes, Boca and Bubba hit the road again. More or less. "To stay young, the doctor said to exercise and eat the right foods" said BUBBA. "What?" said BOCA, " I thought he said ACCESSORIZE AND BUY NICE SHOES." And so begins Boca and Bubba's next adventure.


After several long car drives, Boca thought it was time for a bit of a different kind of "cruzin". Ah yes time for the high seas. NO NO NO yelped Bubba. "Don't you understand we are in a recession aka depression!!!" That was until one of his good buddies said, "Hey Bubba, this cruise looks pretty darn good. Are ya goin?" And that was all it took. "Well, hell yes. We are in good buddy!" Must be a man thing. And so begins Boca and Bubba's next adventure. It has all the making's of some Bubba and Boca madness...start in LA and end in Shanghai. Look out Charlie Chan- be sure to follow the google calendar below. And yes yes I am behind already.


The GREAT WALL (Ming Dynasty)
Cold and windy again.  Definitely need an appropriate chapeaus...whatchathink?  Very Russian Mongrol.  Bubba remarked "no animals were killed to make this hat."  It will be available for renting upon return to Boca.  Bubbs also pointed out my authentic NORTH FACE GLOVES...oops- who needs the spelling to be correct?  

A trip to the wall is a must- we visited Juyon Guan, recently restored-a very Disneyesque attraction .  And old Thunder Thighs made it to the top!  I more or less Crawled the Wall as opposed to climbed.  Drag that big girl booty up those steps to the top- well, at least of our section.  with unscalable moutainson either side it is easy to see why this spot was chosen for defense.   The Great Wall snakes through the countryside over deserts, hills, ad plaice for several thousand miles.  Originally a series of disparate earthen ramparts built by individual states, the Great Wall was created only after the unification of China under Qin Shi Huangdi (221-210 BC).  Despite impressive battlements, the wall ultimately proved ineffective:it was breached in the 13th century by the Mongolas and again in the 17th century by the Manchu.  Today, only select sections of its  crumbling remains have been fully restored.  
 There are many places one can climb the wall-Pleep picked this one!  Friends and family, can you see how steep some of the steps were????  Can you see why Ol' Bocahontas had to crawl up in some spots?  Bubba did say I would "pay" for the climb later.  Are ya jokin Bubs?  All this way and not go to the top?  Don't be a sour grape and he left me at the 1/2 way point. I asked Oscar how many times had he climbed the Great Wall?  Oh about 150 plus.

Pleep loved the Towers-spaced two arrow shots apart to leave no part unprotected.  I had to keep pulling him out of those spaces to keep the crawl moving...finally I let him monkey back in my glove.

Another favorite of Pleeps were the Signal Beacons.  He had heard they were used to warn of attack by burning dried wolf dung!  The wall enabled speedy communications via smoke, flares, drums and bells.  It also allowed the rapid transport of troops across the country.  Ya hoo!

The Watchtowers supplied Pleep with a great playground- previously serving as signal towers, forts, living quarters and storeroom for provisions.  Another favorite the "love locks"- young lovers engrave their name on the lock and attach to the wall for good luck...and of course the Pleepster had to have his own...ol'Pudge doesn't know he put her name on it!

No OSHA requirements here...climb at  your own peril as the "steps" are worn out, uneven and at times steep.  Thank God for the rusty old hand rail to help Boca pull herself up in those tough spots.  Loaded with visitors - but not many at the top.  Ha to all you gym rats that didn't make it!  You know who you are...old Titanium Knees.  Of course this works up a good appetite....isn't it time for lunch?

Another "PINC" banquet hall for lunch over the government owned Jade Factory... lunch was tasty and I discovered a new delite-FRIED MILK.  YUM!  I guess I was still jonsing getting off the ship with my new habit-DESERT.  Wonderful.
Next, artisans give us a demo of making the Jade objects.  This very large showroom is government owned?  Interesting concept....and the "nice young lady" tries to convince Bubbs he needs this carved Jade Ship for his place in Boca Raton.  She just about had him convinced and I reminded him of the NO MORE TSCHOKEE RULE.  Storage (3 units!) are full....  On to the Ming Bubbs.....

MING TOMBS: Chang Ling
Bubba got a kick out a picture of his former "boss" Dr. Kissinger visiting the Ming Tombs.  Couldn't resist the old SS stance.  Yes Bubs, it is a young man's game.

The resting place for 13 of the 16 Ming Emperors, the Ming tombs (Shisan Ling) are China's example of imperial tomb architecture .  This site was originally selected because of it's feng shui alignment; a ridge of moutons the the north wraps the tombs on 3 sides, opening to the south and protecting the dead from the evil sprits cried on the north wind.

 The stroll up Sacred Way was quite an  enjoyable walk for Pleep and Bubba.  Hey Hey it's the Sacred Way yelled Pleep! 

Pleep rode the camel, posed with many.... Thee Sacred Way  is lined with 36 stone statues of officials, soldiers, animals and mythical beasts.

Pleep thourght this one might be a good photo for his Christmas Card this year....

 The main hall-  Hall of Eminent Favor-we are talking sacrificial hall here folks.  Joy more stairs to climb.  The 43 ft cedar columns are topped by the magnificent ceiling.  Those Mings knew how to do it up!

The Spirit Tower marks the entrance to the burial chamber.  There it is a big mound of dirt.  The last work crew to enclose the Emperor and his wife, the 16 concubines and his riches were killed so no one would know the way in.  I guess that job security thing wasn't working back then.  I must say the restoration is magnifico!  And no the mound has not been excavated...the Chinese are worried the air would ruin everything.  Huh?  Or did those Commies already rob the place blind years back and feeding this line to the good people today as a reason not to dig in the dirt.  Pleep did beg to visit "DING LING'S" tomb.  I kid you not....ah but no time to see a Ding Ling tomb Pleep.

The city continues to awe me....all these new skyscrapers......all built on imense scale.  They pretty much bulldozed down much of the old way (bad Soviet style architecture and the dilaptaed old neighborhoods- where did everybody go??)

BIRDS NEST SOUP- Over to the National Olympic Stadium-designed to be the stunning centerpiece of China's massive building program for the 2008 Olympics.  The large landscaped park-don't these Chinamen do anything on a normal scale?, an Olympic village (now pricey condos) and soon to be developed more entertainment complexes and shopping of course to meet the Chinese Cultural Consumerism- from PRC to CCC!

We took a tour of the Birds Nest....they were breaking down some event that called for fake snow....go figure.  The place is spotlessly clean and very kept up.  And yes you have to go through a security check point just to get on the park area and again for the stadium.  Those Swiss architects- Herzog and de Meuron- did a phenomenal job on the stadium.  Random intertwined ribbons of steel and concrete simultaneously form the structure and the facade.  Surely one of the most striking stadiums, or for that matter, buildings in the world.  Still windy and chilly but a great walk about was worth the chill factor.
Behind us is the famous swimming pavilion-Phelps the young man who won the greatest gold medal swag- 8- in the "Water Cube".  The very cool National Indoor Stadium and Swimming Center is very high tech and eye pleasing. The over all complex felt much bigger than what we saw on TV during the Olympics- very well maintained.  We absolutely experienced the "NEW BEIJING-GREAT OLYMPICS" claim.

We barely crawled back to our car and dragged into the hotel after six....thoroughly dirty and exhausted.  Bubba jumped, well rephrase that, plopped into the tub with Chinese bath salts as he bellowed....you're going to be sore tomorrow Boca.  Bla Bla....He enjoyed his Jack Daniels, soaking and watching the CNN/BBC update via the picture glass window from bathroom to regular room.  What a site! 

Ok by 8 and 3 Jack Daniels, he was refreshed and out we went in search of that famous Peking Duck.  Over to the very popular Da Dong's.  The street is lit with hanging festive blue lights.  I wasn't sure if they knew Chanukah was over or they were just early???  So on the 5th floor of Jimbo Center-"she she how" (pretty please)- we beg to be put on the list to wait....the place is packed and now we know why.
So we figure out how to entertain ourselves during the wait.  Pat supervises the boys.   Quite the production in watching the ducks be prepared-since the Imperial era and now considered one of China's national foods- prized for thin crispy skin with authentic versions serving mostly the skin (yeah said Boca) and little meat (damn said the guys).
These ducks are bred specifically for the dish and slaughtered after 65 days-quick life for Happy Duck?  Must be a Buddhist idea.  They are seasoned then roasted in a hung oven.

Bubs felt like he was almost hunting.....and why in the heck don't they call it Beijing Duck??????? Is it easier to pronounce?  The Chinese did not change it's name...sort of....I heard Beijing is "prying transliteration for writing proper names and places- using the Latin alphabet...hence Beijing.  I didn't realize the name use dot be Beijing and in in 1928 the government changed the n

cooked then sliced and diced at your table.  Served with thin pancakes and plate full of we didn't know what but presented so beautifully. Yum.  Truth be told,  I think Bubs and John were still hungry when we left.   Gentlemen, this is not Prime Seven.  Duh.  There is so much to say about China... I need a moment.