Ah yes, Boca and Bubba hit the road again. More or less. "To stay young, the doctor said to exercise and eat the right foods" said BUBBA. "What?" said BOCA, " I thought he said ACCESSORIZE AND BUY NICE SHOES." And so begins Boca and Bubba's next adventure.


After several long car drives, Boca thought it was time for a bit of a different kind of "cruzin". Ah yes time for the high seas. NO NO NO yelped Bubba. "Don't you understand we are in a recession aka depression!!!" That was until one of his good buddies said, "Hey Bubba, this cruise looks pretty darn good. Are ya goin?" And that was all it took. "Well, hell yes. We are in good buddy!" Must be a man thing. And so begins Boca and Bubba's next adventure. It has all the making's of some Bubba and Boca madness...start in LA and end in Shanghai. Look out Charlie Chan- be sure to follow the google calendar below. And yes yes I am behind already.


Shangrala Hotel was Shangrlaless.
Plane late- getting in tired and late...unloaded luggage and dropped into bed...to find what the heck on the shower walls and a delightful view....must be special deluxe room for Bubba and Boca...word must be out.
I can see why the drapes were closed...felt like I was in a casket.  And you can imagine the conversation with the Manager....my new best friend.
Anybody in need of comp rooms at a Shangrala???

Only 8 million folks here-Capital to the modern state of Shaanxi, Xian has served as capital to over 11 dynasties over a period of 4000 years.  Xian peaked during the Tang dynasty, when it's position at the eastern end of the Silk Road transformed it into a bustling metropolis luring foreign merchants and faiths.  The city declined later and today once again a bustling place with loads and loads of building going on and on....

Today it is world famous and  is known for the Terracotta Army.  The Terracotta Warriors represent only a small portion of the eight thousand strong underground army buried in front of the Emperor Qinshihuagns's tomb (221-2017 BC) to defend him in the afterlife.  This takes that Buddhist thought to the next level!  The craftsmanship attested by each of the statues is as stupendous as the scale of the project.  So who was the Emperor Q to merit such magnificence??? 

One of the most important rulers in Chinese history, this Emperor leaves a legacy as morally complicated as that of Peter the Great. For, like the Russian Tsar, he is as well-known for his contributions to the modern state as he is for sacrificing the lives of thousands of laborers to his visionary projects. Made King of the state of Qin at the age of thirteen, by the time he was thirty-eight he conquered the six neighboring states to unify China for the first time.

The Terracotta Army was discovered in 1974 by farmers digging a well.  The awesome ranks of life-size pottery figures, modeled from yellow clay were made to guard the tomb of Qin Shi Huangdi, a despotic ruler who unified China over 2,200 years ago.  This large complex includes 3 pits of over 8,000 soldiers, archers and horses.  Pit 1 contains the infantry.  This most impressive pit contains over 6000 warriors arrayed in battle formation.  The rear of the vaults strewn with smashed heads and fragments yet to be assembled.  Talk about a jigsaw puzzle of epic proportions!  They ought to give one to every Regent cruise to piece together- beats the heck out of those dumb cardboard pictures so many are fascinated to put together.

Over to Pit 2-still being excavated is filled with cavalry and soldiers. 700,000 force laborers were sacrificed to construct his tomb which was begun as soon as he assended the throne.  How's that for some positive thinking as a kid.  All workers and childless concubines were interred with him to safeguard it's secrets.  According to Sima Qian's "the Historical Records" written a century later, heaven and earth are represented in the tomb's central chamber.  The ceiling inlaid with pearls, represents the starry heavens.  The floor , made of stone, forms a map of the Chinese Kingdom, a hundred rivers of mercury flow across it-  how cool is that!!
Pit 3-partially excavated seems to be the command center.-with 70 high ranking officers  Each warrior, originally colored with pigment and holding a weapon has an individually crafted expression.And all manner of treasure is protected by deadly booby-traps.
The main tomb has still to be excavated - partly because archaeologists are still uncertain of its exact location. Often Emperors amassed huge burial mounds simply to divert robbers' attention from the true site of their tomb. So the artificial mound that today marks the Emperor's tomb does not necessarily indicate the location of its wondrous central chamber. However, because high mercury levels have recently been reported nearby, archaeologists think they may, at last, have discovered it. The Terracotta Warriors, that you will see today, form just one of the many barriers the ruthless Emperor employed to protect his tomb for eternity.

The work to excavate and restore the terra-cotta figures continues on and on.  Each warrior is unique and must be painstakingly reassembly by a team.  I guess it beats mowing the grass....

It was by constructing each of the hollow statues upon solid legs that the Ancient Chinese craftsemen solved the perplexing problem of how to make a statue free-standing. Hollow heads, arms and legs, made of coiled earth, were joined together with strips of clay and set upon the solid legs. After this rough model was assembled, a fine clay slip was added, and details such as eyes, mouth, nose and details of dress were carved into the clay while it was still pliable. Additional pieces such as ears, beard and armour were modeled separately and attached, after which the whole figure was fired at a high temperature.

Chinese Entrepreneurs....rabid and everywhere!

Lots of Vendors selling oh so colorful tschokees and more.  Bubbs felt compelled to buy a "North Face" JUMBO packback for $24....of course the straps broke by the time we arrived back at the hotel.  So the fake Gucci rolling suitcase is looking better now?

Food is always in the mix....the people are much "bigger" than their historic sizes??? Ah, Boca, it's the plentiful food available today...they love McDonald's and jokingly refer to it as the American Embassy!

 Pleep loved the "wolf skins"- again Chinese know how- no animals killed for this "fur"....too funny.  Bubba told Pleep, no way we want the real deal my little monkey.  Almost time for turkey season....


A pagoda is a tiered tower with multiple eaves, popularized by Buddhist missionaries, pilgrims, rulers and ordinary devotees to seek out, distribue and extol Buddhist relics.  Pagoda's attract lightning- how's that for a spiritually charged religion!  Come on baby light my fire?
The Chinese have really learned to capitalize and touristize some of their treasures.  As typically, tons of shops, restaurants, vendors surround this Pagoda and grounds.This Tang dynasty pagoda, built in AD 62 is attached to the extan Ci'en Si Temple.  Located right outside the city of Xian, this Buddhist Pagoda had many functions including housing 657 sutras, figurines, books and relics of the  Buddha that was brought to China from India.  It is located within the property of the monastery- Da Ci'en Temple complex.  The Pagoda is 210 ft tall, having had many face lifts looks darn good.

Why do they call it the Wild Goose Pagoda?  At the time there were two branches of Buddhism- meat eaters and non meat eaters.  One day the meat eaters couldn't find any meat to eat, hoping the merciful Bodhisattva would give them some meat.  At that very moment, the leading wild goose broke it's wing and fell to the ground.  The Monks took it as a sign that they should establish a pagoda where the wild goose fell in honor of Bodhisattva. Pleep liked this story and made Bubba promise that he would take him Turkey hunting when they got home.  Pleep so enjoys Bubba practicing his Turkey calling but thought he would try to impress Bubbs by practicing some of that Buddha stuff and get a bird to fall down in front of him.  Game on.

 The use of incense dates back to biblical times where the gum-resins of aromatic trees were imported from the Arabian and Somali coast to be used in religious ceremonies.  The Chinese have used incense for over 2000 years.  It is associated with the yin energies of the dead, temples, shrines and ghosts.  Ghosts?  Talk about second hand smoke.

Please Please I can't take any more Temples-is there a local sports bar you drop me of at for a cold one?